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Origins of the Pumpkin Prayer
Long before haunted houses and trick-or-treating, Halloween was known as All Hallows Eve, the day before All Saints’ Day. And like all holidays, we tend to celebrate on the eve before with certain customs and traditions.
The word hallow means saint and is derived from the word “hallowed”, which means holy or consecrated, as we find in the Lord’s prayer, “hallowed be thy name”.
Although we have feast days in the church to celebrate particular saints, All Saints’ Day was created to recognize all saints in heaven, including our relatives who have earned their heavenly reward.
To honor the true origins of Halloween and counter the secular version, Catholics can implement certain practices that stay true to our Christian roots. One such way is to use the Pumpkin Prayer during your annual pumpkin carving.
This cute and creative prayer is a great way to incorporate a Catechism lesson on God’s mercy and forgiveness and to celebrate our faith in Jesus Christ, who has redeemed us from our sins.
Ideas for Decorating
Typically, we use standard cutouts in our pumpkin carving, but you can get creative with this version by carving out shapes that lend to Christianity, such as hearts for the eyes, a cross for the nose, and fish for the mouth. No matter what style you use, follow through with the Pumpkin Prayer and make this a memorable and teachable moment for your kids.
Pumpkin Prayer Steps
Download our Pumpkin Prayer Booklets to guide your kids through the routine. There are two booklets to choose from, The Pumpkin Prayer with regular pumpkin cutouts and the Pumpkin Prayer With Hearts that has hearts/cross/fish cutouts.
There are two different versions of this prayer. The first is to cut out everything ahead of time and place it back in their slots. As you recite the Pumpkin Prayer, have children remove each part.
The second method is to cut out the pumpkin as you recite the prayer. The steps below are based off cutting out as you go. Whatever works for you!
Open my mind so I can learn about You; (Cut off the top)
Take all my sin and forgive the wrong that I do. (Clean out the inside)
Open my eyes so Your love I will see; (cut out the eyes)
I’m sorry for times I’ve turned up my nose at what You’ve given to me. (Cut out the nose)
Open my ears so Your word I will hear; (Cut out the ears)
Open my mouth to tell others You’re near. (Cut out the mouth)
Let Your light shine in all I say and do! (place candle inside)
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